lolita fashion in UK

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Japan’s popular Lolita fashion is now making its way to England. The Victoria and Albert Museum will be hosting a display of the Lolita fashion trend. The museum will be staging the exhibition as a lead up to the summer Olympics. This will be the country’s opportunity to highlight British fashion, which the Lolita style is based off of.  The lolita style became a trend in Japan during the late ‘80s and early ‘90s. Most of the apparel is based on designs that include frilly skirts with ribbons and lace, fanciful headgear and dollish makeup.

A total of nine outfits will be out on display, which will feature dresses that conjure up an air of sweetness and innocence, complete with teddy bears and books of Alice in Wonderland, which the style got a lot of its influence from.

Also included in the display are two black dresses that contain a mixture of cuteness and gothic culture rolled into one. These two outfits got its inspiration from the punk rock genre that hit Japan during the ‘70s and ‘80’s. The outfits come complete with an accessory of chains and spiked collars.

There will also be Lolita dresses that feature a blend of kimono designs as well as designs inspired by samurai culture from the feudal era.

Lolita outfits got its initial influence from Victorian era clothing in Britain, though the fashion has since taken a life of its own and incorporated its own blend of Japanese subculture. While most dresses are imported from Japan, British designers are currently in the works of creating their own line of Lolitas. Next to France, Britain will be the first country outside of Asia to start its own Lolita industry.

Lolita outfits are sure to give fashion designers a whole new set of inspiration from which they can create something entirely new and outside the norm of conventional clothing.

(, 2012)

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